Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Chalkboards Are All The Rage!

Since chalkboards are all the rage these days, I had to share this cool DIY project with you. Chalkboards are not just black anymore. You can create a chalkboard in your favorite color.

Take a look at the chalkboard tutorial that Bonnie at Coming Home to Roost has shared! Her chalkboard is a light coral color. Isn't it beautiful? Seems to be really easy to make too!

Photo: Going Home to Roost

The possibilities are endless. Take a look at this frig! Love the color!

Photo: A Stylist's Life

How about on furniture?

Photo: Fifthroom Living

I know what I'm doing this weekend! I'm trying this project and guess what color I'll be using!!?? AQUA! And you might even see seashells on mine. Who would have ever thunk it? Can't wait! I'll be sure to share my final results.

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